Monday, March 2, 2009

URGENT CALL: Senator Kerry's direct attack on the Meetings & Events Industry

Make your voice heard! This is a direct attack on our industry.

Our industry continues to be under fire, and we each need to take a more active role in ensuring that our local communities and elected officials are more educated on the true role and impact of our industry on the economy. This is a time of partnership and alliances!

Meeting Professionals International and the National Business Travel Association and their respective leaderships have been working behind the scenes with fellow industry associations to thoughtfully respond to many inaccurate assertions unfairly attached to our industry. Now, we need your help to reinforce these responses in your local communities and to reach out to your elected officials. Here's a list of links that you should sign up on and investigate further!!!

1) Write to government representatives TODAY! Please view the many tools and updates available on the MPI International Website @ Here you will find your government representatives and sample letters that can be written. I urge you to write today!

2) Sign the Keep America Meeting petition

3) View the Convention Industry Council's (CIC) news release. Carry our industry's message to mainstream America.

4) National Business Travel Association - Action Alert

We need to protect our jobs, businesses, and industry! Please comment if you have any questions.

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