Hey everybody! We hope this post finds you well!
First and Foremost - Please help the efforts in Haiti by donating what you can. Text GIVE to 50555 and $10 US will be added to your next mobile bill or visit http://www.hopeforhaitinow.org/. It's an amazing thing to see the world come together to help a fellow human being. Help bring hope to the people.
On that note, here's to hope that 2010 will be a year of change and prosperity for business and personal persuits. The Special Event Conference this year was help in New Orleans. It was wonderful that our conference was able to bring much needed tourist dollars into the community. I highly recommend visiting the area soon. The overwhelming response from locals were - come back! They were only operating at 50 - 60% of what they were before Katrina.
Please see below some photos of our time on the trade show floor and also of the Table Top Competition. If you were'nt able to make it out. Hopefully, these photos bring you inspiration when you are designing your next event and table top.
Also, thank you to those Conference Attendees that were able to attend Simply Mumtaz' President Joella Hopkins presentations - The Event Planner's 5 Years in Business and Association Special Events & Meetings.
We look forward to hearing from you. How did you like TSE or how have you contributed to the efforts to help Haiti?