So, today was an amazing day! Tons of work to get done, but I had the opportunity to visit what I learned is one of California's largest fully permitted composting facilities. My appointment was all about how we bring Composting to the City of Los Angeles on a much larger scale where it eventually becomes common place.
In striving for creating Zero Waste events we are looking to find ways to bring composting to Special Events / Meetings / Conventions. Good news is... it was a very successful meeting. Please stay tuned as we continue to work on bringing this fantastic service to our industry.
Before I get there... here's a basic definition of Composting - It's the natural decomposition of organic materials. Composting transforms your food waste, liquid organic waste, and excess products into a high quality, nutritious soil amendment that is used by farmers to improve soil fertility and to increase crop yields.
A few photos from today's adventure... The first photo is one of two different piles.. the first bigger one is primarily from wood. This facility also creates green energy - Biomass. The product is waste from local construction sites. The smaller pile is compost... this is the product that will make its way to the composting fields.

Green waste from local "green" bins - garden, lawns, grass, tree trimmings, etc.

Below are two photos of "bails" that have been through the "big machine" that sorts household trash. You can see on the right more cloth type items, then like clear vinyl / plastic... The next photo you can see is plastic bottles, colored and clear.

Then, of course ME. Could this be any worse of a photo! But, I have to show it. It was such a great tour...felt like I was on the Green Channel. I think every kid in high school should go through a recycling / recovery to see where our trash goes, where it ends up and what it can be...