Friday, October 17, 2008

That Solar Guy and "That One"

Ever wonder how you can become energy independent? Interested in solar power? With solar energy you own the electricity you produce and you can be your own power company. Check out the very cool (or hot?) That Solar Guy website designed by my friend and former groom, Jeff Van Dam. Well, not MY former groom, but the groom of one of my favorite brides, Laura. Laura and Jeff were married in my very first Malibu beach wedding in 2006. They are an awesome couple and Jeff is doing awesome work with solar power to help improve our environment and lay the power foundation for future generations. Jeff’s site provides answers to questions about solar power and how we can become more energy efficient by taking advantage of one of our most powerful natural resources - the sun. Who ever knew the sun was Green!

Jeff’s work and the work of other cleantech businesses is a hot topic in the discussion of who will be the next US President. Cleantech and Green Business for Obama is a self-organized constituency group supporting the Obama campaign. It is composed of volunteer cleantech and green business professionals from around the country who have spearheaded nationwide fundraising and outreach in this emerging economic sector. The group has identified the positive economic impact and job creation potential of the New Energy Economy promoted by Senator Obama’s policies. By far the coolest thing they have accomplished, in the process of supporting the campaign, is that the clean technology and green business community can be a powerful and effective voice in the political process.

Check out Barack Obama’s energy plan to see where he stands on the issues.

Submitted by Karli Tanner, CMP
Special Events & Weddings Director, Simply Mumtaz Events


Anonymous said...

Time for change. Obama is my next president. We need to clean up not only the enviornment, but also the way we run this country. Last I heard we were some kind of Super Power! Let's play the part!

Anonymous said...

Hey! "That Solar Guy" here, thanks for highlighting my website. I've been in the solar world for just over 2 years now and it's a very exciting place to be. I'm witnessing an industry that's experiencing tremendous growth and watching colleagues get promotions that took our parents a decade to attain. And it's so rewarding too. Coming in everyday knowing your doing something constructive is so satisfying.

The BIG news in solar is the new Federal rebate/incentive of 30%. Coupled with the California state rebate/incentive of 20-25% you have a net 50% discount on solar. This is huge! It's a game changer.

If anyone has ANY questions about solar please feel free to contact me. I love talking solar.

There's only 1 thing better than free electricity from the sun and that is Simply Mumtaz. Our wedding was phenomenal. Karli is a rock star and worth every penny. August 19th, 2006 was the closest thing there ever was to a perfect day.

Go Green Save Green Go SOLAR!!

Anonymous said...

That's really cool beans!! I am looking forward to having a president who understands the need to protect this earth for our children. OBAMA '08