Simply Mumtaz Events, Inc. is very proud to produce such a heart warming event - the Hospital Hero Awards! This event highlights the unsung heroes of the health care industry and hospitals in general... miracles happen everyday that get no attention in the general media. This event is all about that... bringing a positive light to the wonderful work that health care professionals perform on an every day basis!
We held the event at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel's famous Crystal Ballroom. With a full house our Mistress of Ceremonies, Suzanne Rico, CBS2 News Anchor presented our honorees. And, the best news is that in the current ecomony this year's fundraiser raised more than any other year!
Please check out our photos below!!

And, Joella got a shot with Suzanne before she had to leave for the afternoon. Thanks Suzanne! You always do such an amazing job!
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