Hi there! Day Two. Wow, what a wonderful day - thus far! This is the early afternoon issue.
We wanted to first report in on Travel Portland... they presented a ridiculously great and fun video on Green Meetings in Portland. Here's the link! Click on the top left video - "Mon Assemblee Vert".
Next, we also wanted to show you the wonderful video that was presented by the Portland Doubletree and their greening initiatives within the hotel itself. Here's where to go get it... Click on the video on the right tool bar that is listed as The Power of Choice.
More cool vendors -Bolder Path is a vendor that will take your signage trash and create it into product! Check it out... 
Next, another link... Eco Promotional Products, Inc.

Standing Ovation for this morning's keynote speaker! Amazing - Dr. Karl-Henrik Robert, The Natural Step. He spoke about the big picture - creating the abstract framework for everyone to reach a common goal... a common theme throughout the conference - Collaborate...
Green Standards! How do we as planners standardize? Use and learn about the APEX Green Standards - 9 Categories to review - Link here. Then planners can use Meetings Professionals International Sustainable Events Management Tool.
OK, off now to our team meeting... GO Team Cypress and Birch!
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